Healings & Readings

Access your truth, beauty, and magic through healings and readings with Kathleen.

Peruse below for energy options. There's something for everyone!

*Contact Kathleen at TheMessyYogi@gmail.com for pricing*



Aura Reading


In an Aura Reading, Kathleen says hello to the 7 layers in an individual's space. It's an 50 minute reading with time for questions & curiosities.



Women's Reading


A Woman's Reading is a special reading for women/female-identifying persons. The reading is focused on seeing the woman's Female Energy, as well as the woman's truth, potential, and creative force.





Energy Healings & Women's Energy Healings


Energy Healings clear energy in a unique and fun way! Kathleen will give your body the "Hello" it needs in that moment. Healings can help to release mental, emotional, or physical pain, stress, and tension.




Women's Spirit Healings


Women's Spirit Healings are uniquely beautiful healings that heal the spirit of you; where the communication between your spirit and body is re-established. Healings can release mental, emotional, or physical pain, stress, and tension.